Buenas musiquit@s.

Vamos a repasar el trabajo de aula. Hoy veremos….¡INSTRUMENTOS DE PERCUSIÓN!

¿Qué son? Son aquellos instrumentos que para sonar hay que percutirlos, agitarlos o rascarlos, ¡MIRA!

Profundicemos: En el siguiente genially podrás encontrar ampliada la información, ejemplos y juegos. Espero que lo disfrutes.

Percussion instruments include any instrument that makes a sound when it is hit, shaken, or scraped. It's not easy to be a percussionist because it takes a lot of practice to hit an instrument with the right amount of strength, in the right place and at the right time. Some percussion instruments are tuned and can sound different notes, like the xylophone, timpani or piano, and some are untuned with no definite pitch, like the bass drum, cymbals or castanets. Percussion instruments keep the rhythm, make special sounds and add excitement and color.